c++ - iostream bioskey(1) replacement?
bs"d Hi- is there an easy way to find out if there are any characters pending in the istream input buffer (without waiting for a carriage return)? I'm looking for a bioskey(1) replacement function that will work in a DOS program under Windows XP (win32). Thanks.
Apr 07 2003
Try kbhit(). "yochanan" <yochanan aquanet.co.il> wrote in message news:b6rb1k$145r$1 digitaldaemon.com...bs"d Hi- is there an easy way to find out if there are any characters pendinginthe istream input buffer (without waiting for a carriage return)? I'm looking for a bioskey(1) replacement function that will work in a DOS program under Windows XP (win32). Thanks.
Apr 07 2003
bs"d Thanks Walter - I'll try it. "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> כתב בהודעה:b6sk92$dao$1 digitaldaemon.com...Try kbhit(). "yochanan" <yochanan aquanet.co.il> wrote in message news:b6rb1k$145r$1 digitaldaemon.com...pendingbs"d Hi- is there an easy way to find out if there are any charactersinthe istream input buffer (without waiting for a carriage return)? I'm looking for a bioskey(1) replacement function that will work in a DOS program under Windows XP (win32). Thanks.
Apr 12 2003
bs"d Thanks, Walter - I'll try it. "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> כתב בהודעה:b6sk92$dao$1 digitaldaemon.com...Try kbhit(). "yochanan" <yochanan aquanet.co.il> wrote in message news:b6rb1k$145r$1 digitaldaemon.com...pendingbs"d Hi- is there an easy way to find out if there are any charactersinthe istream input buffer (without waiting for a carriage return)? I'm looking for a bioskey(1) replacement function that will work in a DOS program under Windows XP (win32). Thanks.
Apr 12 2003