c++ - Comparisson
- Javier Gutiérrez (15/15) Dec 03 2001 As far as I now, nowadays there are some comercial compilers, that a...
As far as I now, nowadays there are some comercial compilers, that are available publically: - Digital Mars C++ 8.xx: It was Symantec C++, and now is available as a free download. The IDE, and the rest of visual tools are shipped in a CD that costs 30$. - Watcom C++ 11.0c patch: The patch aplies under 11.x versions. Anyways, the stand alone patch include more or less the features of the downloadable CD of Digital Mars. - Borland C++ 5.51: The free version, only allows you to compile Win32 programs. I want to know the weak and the good points of each one, specially in Benchmarks. About DMC, what will be its target, when Open Watcom 1.0 becamo publicilly available and Open Source? Is Walter planning to release DMC as Open Source?
Dec 03 2001