Last update Sun Mar 4 11:58:08 2018


Build an Import Library

An import library is necessary when calling functions in a DLL; it provides the stubs that hook up to the DLL at runtime. implib is used to create import libraries. It uses as input either the DLL itself or a module definition file $(.def).

implib commands have the following format:

implib [switches] libfile [ dllfile | deffile ]
Implib Switches
Switch Description
/? Print this message
/b[atch] Batch
/h[elp] Print this message
/i[gnorecase] Ignore case of symbols
/noi[norecase] Be case sensitive. Mark library as case sensitive
/nol[ogo] Ignored
/now[ep] Ignore WEP (relevant only to 16 bit DLL's)
/ntd[ll] Ignored
/p[agesize]:number Set page size to number (a power of 2)
/s[ystem] Prepend '_' to exported internal names. Used to create import library from Windows NT system DLLs (for example, kernel32.dll). Note that this switch is not available via the IDDE

Either a dllfile or deffile must be given (but not both). IMPLIB reads the file, and uses the export records in it to create an import library libfile. libfile is then linked in with your application.

To create the import library kernel32.lib from the NT system dll kernel32.dll:

implib /s kernel32.lib kernel32.dll

Module definition files are in the same format as that used to create the DLL.

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